Travel Lambretta is a completely new adventure but some of you may know me from Scootopia. I have spent over a decade at Scootopia and played a part in the transformation of Scootopia......what a rollercoaster journey that was and something I am proud to be apart of. Before Scootopia, i spent 10 years working for John Milvertons, wholesalers of Casa Lambretta, Mec Eur, Cuppini, SIL and many more companies alike. With over 20 years experience in the Lambretta world i thought it was time to give it a go myself. For now Travel Lambretta will be web based only, over the next few years the plan is obviously expansion to retail premises. There's some cool plans for the shop that we hope you will all love.
For now, i hope you enjoy the website and happy shopping.